Our favorite Nonprofit-Friendly CRMs

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Working in a nonprofit brings many challenges. The biggest challenge of all: finding a centralized system to keep your data organized. There’s a lot to manage — client list, customer data, emails, donor lists, and many more. Lucky for you, Tackle knows the right CRMs that’ll meet your needs! Take a look at the CRMs we recommend and set yourself up for success!

Salesforce logo


Staying on top of supporter information is the overall most important task for nonprofit organizations. For Salesforce, their CRM gives this principle an upgrade. Salesforce offers their Nonprofit Success Pack that’ll transform your organization from start to finish. Track and measure impact using real-time data to improve your organization’s mission. Optimize your organization’s data to create personalized content and emails to drive your marketing and engagement efforts. Utilize premade templates to create donor-centric initiatives, simplify grant management, and amplify your objectives to the highest level! This might be our favorite CRM because of its diverse feature offerings and scalability for nonprofits of all sizes.

HubSpot logo


Looking for a platform that can provide an all-for-one solution for your fundraising? Then HubSpot is the right tool for you. With HubSpot, you can scale your nonprofit to reach your supporters at the right place at the right time. Using HubSpot’s Nonprofit Starter package will give you a CRM experience worth the investment! Includes an emailing platform, blogging, and social media! Also, use HubSpot to integrate with other software like Google Analytics and Mailchimp to further improve your fundraising, marketing, and communication needs. While HubSpot hasn’t been a widely-used CRM for nonprofits in the past, it is quickly becoming a solid player in the fundraising world and we think it has excellent potential to bring your organization to the next level.

Microsoft Dynamics logo

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Nonprofits who heavily focus on their donor and volunteer management need a CRM to specialize in integrating the information. This is where Dynamics 365 comes in! Dynamics 365 would be a great CRM for your nonprofit because of interpersonal benefits like intelligent donor engagement, the modernization of your business processes, and the utilization of your data to make equitable decisions with your fundraising. It’s an all-around connective platform that gives your organization resources to integrate your data with AI-driven recommendations and customer-led journey capabilities. Regardless of demographics and communication channels, Dynamics 365 does its due diligence in tailoring its services to clients and donors. Microsoft has truly built a solid CRM and has been developing more features specifically geared toward nonprofits.

NeonCRM logo


Looking for a CRM that’ll landscape your business into being a data collection maven? Then NeonCRM is the solution for you! Whether you operate a small or large nonprofit, your staff will greatly benefit from using this platform for automating time-consuming tasks and integrating current and past information to make data-based decisions. Create customized reports, use management tools critical to your organization, and control workflow. The expandability of Neon CRM makes it a great platform for nonprofit organizations of all sizes.


Need a new CRM? Here at Tackle, we have a vast array of experiences with software platforms. When you work with us, you’re getting a unique value proposition when we apply our expertise to help your nonprofit thrive! Contact us today!

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